Pushing and sharing knowledge …
20 years of work from the Arctic circle to the Sahara,
from Business Continuity to Nuclear Emergency Planning … and Pandemics
At CEMAC we have collected an enormous amount of knowledge from working on emergency preparedness an many countries and in a vast number of industries and public sector branches.
In addition, we access a global network of pin-point expertise and have collaboration with academic institutions in Beligium and abroad.
Emergency Plan Development
CEMAC has designed based on almost 20 years of plan evaluation, review and design, its own standard and methodology for “all hazard all organisation” emergency plan(ing)(s).
This modular concept, identified with the SEPP acronym, allows us and in second phase the organisation (authority, industry, …) itself to develop and elaborate modular emergency plans for various types of risks, national regulatory contexts, languages, etc.
SEPP can be delivered as a paper plan or as a digitally accessible environment based on proprietary software of open standard platforms like Confluence, Teams, etc.
Sectorial Portfolio
CEMAC has a long experience in a large variety of organisations and risk sectors:
– nuclear industry
– utility companies (electricity, gas, water transportation & distribution)
– energy generation
– oil & gas exploration
– maritime operations (sea ports & port related industry)
– construction
– transport
– chemical industry
– food & beverage
– heavy manufacturing, primarily SEVESO-classified companies
– air transport & airport operations
Clientele Portfolio
CEMAC has worked for numerous governmental, official, commercial and not-for-profit organisations. The list below is not exhaustive, but illustrative of the type of organisations we have worked for:
– international organisations, such as EU, NATO, EDA
– Belgian national authorities, such as the Ministries of Interior Affairs, Defence, Public Health, Mobility & Transport
– Belgian and foreign emergency services, representing all responding agencies, such as Fire & Rescue services, Medical agencies, Policy & Security agencies, Civil Protection, Military, Red Cross
– Key stakeholders in energy, utility, nuclear, chemical, … sector.
Risk & Incident type Portfolio
Throughout the years we have gradually developed expertise in many risk domains and are currently capable of combining all that knowledge to generate all encompassing solutions for our clients.
Some of our reference domains are:
– Natural hazards (floods, earthquake, …)
– Biological risks (infectious diseases, including epidemic/pandemic management)
– CBRN risks
– Continuity of Operations resulting from utility interruptions, asset shortages, …
– Conventional terrorism
– Industrial accidents
– Strike, cyber, …
Some of our clients
- Bayer
- Brussels Airport Company
- Electrabel
- Elia
- Engie
- Eni
- EU
- Federal Police (BEL)
- Fire Brigades (BEL)
- Fluvius
- Fluxys
- Kronos Europe
- Liefkenshoektunnel
- Local police zones (BEL)
- MasChem
- Medical emergency services (BEL)
- Ministry of Defence (BEL)
- Ministry of Interior (BEL)
- Ministry of Public Health (BEL)
- Municipalities
- Neuhaus
- Ores
- Port of Antwerp
- Port of Brussels
- Port of Ghent
- Port of Terneuzen
- Provinces (BEL)
- Provincie Zeeland (NLD)
- Rock Werchter
- Rte
- Schelde Safety Network
- Sibelga
- Syntra
- Tennet
- Universiteit Antwerpen
- Vigiles